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ভৌগলিক পরিচিতি

অবস্থান : ২৩˚৫৭" হতে২৪˚৪২" উত্তর অক্ষাংশ এবং ৯১˚১০" হতে ৯১˚৪০" পূর্ব দ্রাঘিমাংশ ।

আয়তন : ২৬৩৬. ৫৮ বর্গকিলোমিটার ।

সীমানা : উত্তরে সুনামগঞ্জ ও সিলেট জেলা, পূর্বে মৌলভীবাজার জেলা, দক্ষিণে ভারতের ত্রিপুরা রাজ্য ও পশ্চিমে কিশোরগঞ্জ

ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া জেলা ।

জনসংখ্যা : ১৮,৩০,৫৫৪ জন (সর্বশেষ আদম শুমারী অনুযায়ী সমন্বিত) : পুরুষ- ৯,২৬,৫৩১ জন। মহিলা-৯,০৪,০২২ জন।

জনসংখ্যার ঘনত্ব :প্রতি বর্গকিলোমিটরে ৬৯৩ জন ।


হবিগঞ্জ জেলার ভূ-তাত্বিক কাঠামো

নিম্নে বাংলাপিডিয়া থেকে সংগৃহীত হবিগঞ্জ জেলার ভূ-তাত্বিক কাঠামো সম্পর্কিত তথ্যের সংকলন দেয়া হলোঃ

Habiganj structurelies in the northeastern part of Bengal Foredeep and in the south-central part of Surma Basin. It is the northern culmination of Baramura anticline of Tripura (India), is separated by a saddle. The structure is almost symmetrical and trending SSE.

Seismic and well data of Habiganj structure have proved that the structure has entirely separate closure. Including Baramura it is a giant structure of about 130 km long. In Habiganj structure the exposed rock is Dupi Tila and the topographical height is about 20m above mean sea level. No fault has been detected on flanks

Habiganj structure has one of the largest producing gasfield of the country. Pakistan Shell Oil Company discovered the field in 1963. The gasfield has a closure 11 km long and 4.5 km wide. It is known for the excellent quality reservoirs with up to 30% porosity and several darcy permeability. So far 10 wells have been drilled in this structure. The Upper Gas sand extends from 1,255m to 1,585m subsea.

The Upper Gas sand is fine grained, clean, unconsolidated and well sorted. Lack of clay matrix and presence of glauconite in Upper Gas sand indicate the deposition in high-energy littoral to sublittoral environment. The sand indicate a beach and barrier bar characteristic. The Upper Marine Shale acts as a cap rock for Upper Gas sand.

Bibiana structurelocated on Block-12 in the Surma Basin of Bangladesh. The structural pattern is similar to the Beanibazar structure. The Bibiana structure is trapped in a large four way subsurface structural closure trending north to south approximately 35 km north of Rashidpur anticline. The reservoir section is within the Miocene Surma Group where hydrocarbons are located within six sand packages, each are separated by shale. The sixth sand package located in the Lower Bhuban Formation.

The structural closure at Bibiana is transgressional. The core of the structure is possibly complicated by both longitudinal wrenches faulting along with conjugate shear faulting. The above structural geometry can often compartmentalise hydrocarbon accumulation. Aerial closure of successively deeper zones in the Bibiana structure decreases as the structural core is approached.

Rashidpur structurean anticlinal structure in the habiganj district. The anticline is north-south trending, 35 km long, 7 km wide and is asymmetric in nature with steeper (22° to 25°) eastern flank and gentler (8° to 12°) western flank. The axis of the anticline is in structural alignment with Teliamara surface anticline of Tripura to the south in India. In the outcropping Dupi Tila Formation in Rashidpur structure, flank reversal can be noticed to indicate extent of axial stretch.

The Rashidpur structure is affected by a major north south trending longitudinal fault in the eastern flank with down thrown block to the east. There are transverse faults as well as a major one passes through the middle part of the structure.

Shell Oil Company drilled exploratory well in Rashidpur structure and discovered gasfield in 1960. This was the first of the five large gasfields Shell Oil discovered during 1960s. The gas initially in place (GIIP) in Rashidpur gasfield is estimated at 2,242 billion cubic feet with a recoverable reserve of 1,309 billion cubic feet. There are two gas zones at depxhs between 1,380m to 2,787m below surface. The gas reservoirs are sandstones of Miocene-Pliocene age and are considered to have been originated in shallow marine depositional environment. The reservoir porosity-permeability values of the sandstone reservoirs are very good. Drilling in the Rashidpur gasfield has encountered overpressure zone in the deep subsurface level.

Sylhet Gas Field Company Ltd, a subsidiary of petrobangla, operates the Rashidpur gasfield. Rashidpur is a producing gasfield and is producing about 90 million cubic feet of gas per day at the beginning of 2001.